Zettlr vs joplin
Zettlr vs joplin

zettlr vs joplin zettlr vs joplin

When I have some more time during the next weeks I will certainly be happy to share my individual workflow and adaptations here. I configured a couple of things during the last two weeks, and with my individual adaptations obsidian has become a single workspace that can combine all my different methods, information categories and tasks in one single app without them being in the way of each other - yet, they are inter-connectable now! What I liked in Zettlr, on the other hand, is the smooth bibliography integration via citeproc. What is more, it complicates my workflow by not offering enough possibilities for simple linking-by-writing, by not offering the possibility to define your own keyboard shortcuts for different tasks (you have to use the mouse a lot, which I don’t like as it distracts me horribly from my main task which is writing…), and so on. Yet, development is stagnating for a couple of years due to other priorities of the original author of the app.

zettlr vs joplin

This, however, is what zkn3 does perfectly in my view, why I use this programme for all my scientific stuff for more than 10 years now. I have recently tried Zettlr, which actually is a very nice app - but in my view misses the zettelkasten idea completely, although it pretends to be a zettelkasten app in the first place: the linking between ideas is somehow much to static in my view and doesn’t do what I expect from a zettelkasten app, namely trigger my brain with unexpected food, connections and relationships. I finally ended up working with a combination of Joplin, Zim desktop wiki and zkn3 (and zotero for my bibliography management). I have been trying dozens of different apps before, each had its great features - but also its shortcomings with a view to my personal workflow. Thanks to the developers and also to this lovely and lively community! Let me start by saying that I discovered this wonderful app some two weeks ago - and let me honestly say that after trying out a lot of things it looks like obsidian is exactly the app I have been looking for for many years (but never found before)!

Zettlr vs joplin